by The Family Guidance and Therapy Center | Anxiety, Parenting
It may be tough for your child to talk about scary events and circumstances that happen in the world, but encourage your child to reach out to individuals that they trust and love, especially you, when they feel upset or fearful. This helps your child release feelings before they expand out of proportion. It also helps to clear any misconceptions your child may have before it becomes full-blown fear.
by The Family Guidance and Therapy Center | Parenting, Resilience
No matter how hard we try to reduce the stress in our kid’s environment, it will still be a part of their lives but you can help your child develop problem-solving skills and equip them with ways that help them cope and move forward.
by The Family Guidance and Therapy Center | Growth, Holidays, Parenting
Being bored can help children become imaginative and self-reliant. So this summer, let go of your scheduled activities and just let your kids be bored.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Autism, Jenny Palmiotto, Parenting
None of that mastery criterion, none of the counting, none of the reporting matters. Skills + Reduction of Symptom DOES NOT EQUAL purposeful living; now, or in your child’s future.
by | Parenting, Self Care, self-compassion
You are the most perfect mom for your child. Keep striving towards being your best and breathe through the pain and discomfort that growing and changing can create. Parenting is the business of guiding novice human beings into being kind, compassionate and understanding people. You have to work at it, but you can definitely do it.