
Mental Health Resources

The New Office in Central Texas!

The Family Guidance and Therapy Center in Central Texas is Ready for Business We have officially moved into our newest office, located in Central Texas! We are currently offering only RDI & Autism therapies in our Austin/Central Texas location as we finish...

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Love and Autism

I see a world with a multitude of autistic experiences; love can be experienced in many ways. My friends and I would like to share our experiences with you.

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Staff Spotlight: Kasey Connors

We are such dynamic beings, we change day to day, moment to moment. It is awe inspiring to be able to spend time with someone and get to know who they truly are, find commonalities, and have a real heartfelt connection with another human being.

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Changing & Shaping Dialogue About Autism: Why it Matters!

Using arbitrary and limiting labels of high functioning and low functioning, with the intent to help one get a “better picture of the person with autism”, is not only insulting, but dehumanizing. Pathologizing reinforces a deficits view of autism. These labels serve no one. No human is all one thing. We each have good days and bad. We all have struggles and strengths.

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Staff Spotlight: Katherine Frerich

The most challenging part of this work I do is changing the mindset that RDI is like nothing else you have ever tried. The most rewarding part of this work is seeing a parent of an autistic child have an “ah ha” moment, then they finally get it.

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Phone: 619-600-0683
Text: 619-607-1230

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