Mental Health Resources
Feeling Thankful for What Exactly?
Our lives may feel out of control due to the pandemic, economic instability and the political climate. What is there to be thankful for this year?
Staying Soft of Heart
What do we do to keep ourselves from wallowing in life’s normal situations, or perhaps circumstances that are not so normal but seem to pile one on top of the other? How do we stay soft of heart despite life’s difficulties, including when others are not in agreement with our personal choices?
Staff Spotlight: Wendy Leeds
I have an eclectic approach that meets clients where they are and joins clients in a personal journey towards a healthy, productive, satisfying life.
Staff Spotlight: Yana Bachynsky
I connect with words resiliency, authenticity, vulnerability, and humility. I value relationships above material possessions so I also connect with simplicity and warmth.
Pandemic Fatigue: The Never Ending 2020
I’m starting to wonder if this pandemic will ever end. Back in March, I, like many others, packed a cardboard box full of files, a couple pens, and a paper legal pad- enough supplies to last me 2-3 weeks.
How to Survive Your First Year Postpartum
When I was pregnant, I focused a lot of my attention on pregnancy facts and resources, but I now realize that all the facts in the world don’t prepare you for the actual experience of bringing a baby home.
The Call to Authenticity and Vulnerability
The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to strive towards authenticity in your communication, which in turn will promote greater openness and vulnerability and thus deepen your relationships.
What do I Believe in and Why Does it Matter?
When life feels out of sorts, especially during times like these with national and global news filled with a pandemic, shaky politics and political scenes, and other unrest and world issues, we can easily slip away from the root of who we are and forget about what we believe in. You may have heard the term “Stay strong in your beliefs.” It is important to weld a sense of surety and direction into your existence by being true to your values—your fundamental beliefs and guiding principles. By living your life based on your beliefs, you are being authentic to yourself.
Techniques to Help You Stop Worrying About the Future
Has worry about the future ever stopped you from sleeping well? Has worry ever affected productivity in your day? Has worry ever altered your mood? Our human brains are tuned into knowing that life has many unknowns and challenges, and we naturally want to make sure “everything will be okay”. So, ridding ourselves completely of worry may never happen. The good news is there are techniques that you can adopt to help you stop worrying about the future.
Children and Anxiety
It may be tough for your child to talk about scary events and circumstances that happen in the world, but encourage your child to reach out to individuals that they trust and love, especially you, when they feel upset or fearful. This helps your child release feelings before they expand out of proportion. It also helps to clear any misconceptions your child may have before it becomes full-blown fear.
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Text: 619-607-1230