Autism Community Programs
The Family Guidance and Therapy Center is now offering clinic and community based autism programs for people of all ages! We will have more information up on our website shortly but if you are interested in enrolling your children, give us a call or click the appointment button and we will find the right fit for your child.
Why Community Programs?
Community is a feeling of connectedness as a result of shared beliefs, attitudes, and world views. Everyone needs to find their own place in the community. Sometimes, a child or young adult with autism can feel cut off, never having been taught the skills to go out on their own.
Here’s what we know:
-All human beings need belonging. This doesn’t change with neurological difference, diagnosis, language, or any other factor.
-It’s better together. The world can be unkind, unable to accept, and unwilling to check their ableism. Regardless, this world is better when we are together.
-Adventure feeds our soul. We adventure everyday.
-We show up as our authentic selves. We are true to our own hearts. This is the only way to be.
-Kindness and positivity are practices. We choose to to keep our hearts open.
-We dig in to our struggles; learning and growing everyday.
-We trust the process and our life’s path; knowing that we are exactly as we are meant to be.
-We give back to our community with laughter, compassion, and our philanthropic spirit.
-We have found a home, a hang out, a place that we can call our own.