by Jenny Palmiotto | Therapists, Things to Know
My work with clients is only unique because of who I am, the experiences I’ve been through, and the things I have learned. I personally value wisdom, but it is not something easily transferred between people; the receiver has to be in the right place.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Therapists, Things to Know
My work as a therapist challenges me to be a pro in taking care of myself and be authentic by “walking my talk”. At the end of the day, it is very rewarding seeing the lives of my clients and my own grow side by side.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Therapists, Things to Know
Get to know the clinicians that make up the Family Guidance and Therapy Center.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Therapists, Things to Know
Kindness represents the age old saying of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s about trying to have compassion and understanding for everyone we encounter throughout our day-to-day lives because everyone is struggling with something, even if we are unaware.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Growth, Jenny Palmiotto, Therapists
For many in this therapy world of ours, we know exactly what this means. It means that the person that has walked into your home and been part of your lives is ready to move on.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Therapists, Things to Know
The most rewarding part of my work is when a client proudly shares about an experience that demonstrates their hard work and that they have achieved their therapeutic goal. While this moment may not be traceable back to one particular change in behavior or moment of insight, I can be confident that the hard work they have put into therapy has helped them achieve their goal.