by The Family Guidance and Therapy Center | Depression, Growth
As a therapist, I cannot help but reflect that during a pandemic, people who have already been experiencing mental health issues are more at risk of them becoming worse. This pandemic definitely will have repercussions for some time, so let’s look at some simple ways you can nourish your mental health during this time.
by The Family Guidance and Therapy Center | Depression, Resilience, Things to Know
Let’s dive in further into: Where do you find your hope? How to refocus when feeling hopeless, and giving yourself permission to not always have it figured out.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Depression, Jenny Palmiotto, Parenting
What do you do when someone you love is suicidal? Even if that someone is your five year old son? Dr. Jenny Palmiotto shares her story.
by Jenny Palmiotto | Anxiety, Depression, Jenny Palmiotto, Parenting
I hug my children and share our family values; that kids should be safe at school. I fight hard the bitterness in my throat as I realize that this isn’t everyone’s values. My kids and everyone else’s children deserve better.
by | Depression, Growth, Self Care
Remember you’re more than WORTH it!
by Jenny Palmiotto | Depression, Jenny Palmiotto, Self Care
When we remember to take a few personal minutes, eat healthy meals, and get enough sleep, we can better handle anything life has to throw at us.