How you maneuver through life’s disruptions, especially during times like now—how you adjust to the “new normal” in your home, work, school, business, entertainment, and how you communicate with others, can be a real challenge because you (and most of us) has never experienced this degree of change in life before. Many of your life patterns have shifted, so where do you start in your adjustment process?
Break it Down
Managing the new normal may seem less stressful if you view this period as a small chapter of your life. A chapter is not your entire life, it is a manageable section that includes details of when your life shifted, and eventually when you accepted and adjusted to the change. So, how do you begin to navigate this new chapter in life?
Respond Instead of React
Accept what you can change and avoid reacting to what you cannot change. You can choose to fall victim to the new normal (react), which might look like negativity and does not help you adjust, or you can respond by finding opportunities in life’s challenges and make the best of it.
With the new normal, for example, you may not be able to arrange your monthly visit with a group of your friends in a restaurant, and that may prompt you to feel shut in and alone.
How can you respond to the challenge rather than react?
It is okay to share your disappointment with your friends but get creative. You can meet your friends online, have a virtual lunch together, and instead of visiting a restaurant, you can wear hats to the online event, or fun clothing, or share a special recipe. Make the virtual get-together a time of joy.
The old saying “turn lemons into lemonade” holds much wisdom. You can sweeten up most sour situations by responding instead of reacting. Remember, every moment in life gives you the choice to either fall victim to circumstances (react) or respond with ease and makes choices that take the edge off and bring a positive outcome to your life.
Choose Gratitude and Share It
You may not like the new normal, but by choosing to focus on the positive pieces of where you are in life, you can overcome the negativity that could suck you down into the trenches.
Spread the wealth. Make it a practice every day to have a compassionate heart that chooses and shares gratitude. The term “sharing is caring” is often spoken in today’s social media, but it truly reflects a life of shared gratitude that helps each of us navigate through our days. You can always use helpful tools such as prayer, meditation, or other ways to speak your gratitude.
Exercise your gratitude muscles. Another tool that can raise your awareness of the good aspects of your life is a gratitude journal. Each morning, or at the end of the day, write down 3 to 5 things you are grateful for. Gratitude journaling helps divert negative thoughts away.
Nothing remarkable must happen to evoke gratitude. Brené Brown said it well, “I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.”
Give Yourself a Break
Life has thrown an entirely new set of circumstances at you with the new normal. Adjustment takes time. Nobody expects you to be perfect in every new situation in life TODAY, except maybe yourself.
Stop beating yourself up for not being an excellent at-home schoolteacher, or for feeling cabin fever (especially if you are an extrovert and “charge up” when you are surrounded by people). Give yourself a break. Give yourself time. Impatience in both yourself and your circumstances can eat away at your ability to adjust.
Set your faith in the possible—which is what you can do in life, and do not apply pressure to what you cannot do.
Practice Self Care
When you do not feel well mentally, you more than likely do not feel well physically, and vice-versa.
You cannot avoid change and challenges in life, but you can handle circumstances much better by engaging in self-care.
Self-care does not necessarily start at the spa, rather, your wellness care should include practical steps such as mindful eating, proper sleep, exercise, and fresh air.
Turn off any external streams of negativity. Lay down your phone, turn off the television, and separate yourself from any outside sources that drain your energy and add to anxiety.
Talk it Out
Trusted relationships are important in you your life, as they give you the ability to share your worries and fears, especially as you adjust to the new normal.
Foster your relationships despite any inability to visit in person. Stay present by making regular phone calls and initiate video chats.
Have you ever felt you could explode from everything you were holding inside? Let the steam out—talk it out and prompt your family and friends to do the same!
Reach Out for Help
If you are having trouble adjusting to the new normal, know that you are not alone with your feelings. Sometimes we all need a little help. We love being a part of helping people cope!
We understand this is changing each day for all of us. Most of us are saddened, uncertain, and experiencing at least some level of distress. We wish your family wellness and calm. We are here for you.
There are three easy ways to make an appointment with us, online, call 619-600-0683, or text 619-607-1230.